Jide Jones

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Spare Parts Dealer
Along Jide Jones Road Okeilewo, Abeokuta, Ogun Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Business Type:
Sole Proprietorship
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Jide Jones located at Along Jide Jones Road Okeilewo, Abeokuta, Ogun Nigeria provides services in Auto - Spare Parts Dealer. View our Location, Phone Number, Contact Details, Products & Services, Reviews & Ratings. If you have used our products or services before, then please share your experience by rating and reviewing our business on this page.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jide Jones

What services does Jide Jones offer?

Jide Jones offers a range of services including Auto - Spare Parts Dealer. They provide solutions for various business and organization's Auto needs.

Where is Jide Jones located?

Jide Jones is located at Along Jide Jones Road Okeilewo, Abeokuta, Ogun Nigeria Abeokuta, Nigeria.

What are the contact details for Jide Jones?

You can contact Jide Jones at the following phone numbers: 234 803 3829660 and 234 803 3829660

Ratings & Reviews - Jide Jones

August 16, 2022

Be careful! We bought 2 Mobil1 5-30 engine oils. Thick black smoke out of exhaust then many engine issues. Now my mechanic says the oil they sold us is FAKE!! Becarefull 60,000 naira down the toilet

May 11, 2022

A reliable place to get your car spare parts, prices are wonderful, customer service is top notch, if you are in doubt of things to use for your car. Do not panic consultation service is guaranteed

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